Manuscript: The manuscripts submitted to the Editor will be accepted for publication with the understanding that the article neither has been published elsewhere, nor is under consideration by another journal, in any form. The manuscript should be presented in a clear concise and simple format containing the information, which will be helpful to the readers towards better selectivity in diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Style and format
Manuscript files should be in the DOC/DOCX format. Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected. Use Arial standard font and a 12 font size with 1.5 line space on one side of A4 size paper with margins of at least 1" at the left and 1" at the right side. Foot notes, acknowledgement etc. should be in single line space. Each page of the manuscript including title page, tables, graphs, references, other illustrative material etc. should be numbered on right top corner of the page.
The manuscript to be submitted type written in British English, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (avoid Americanisms [e.g. use ‘s’ and not ‘z’ spellings], and set your version of Microsoft Word default language to UK English).
Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.
Your responsibilities
As the author, you are responsible for obtaining permission and paying any fees to use the third-party copyrighted material that your manuscript contains.
Ethical considerations
Authors should include the statements of compliance with standards of research involving either animal or human involvement. If your study involves animals, and if your manuscript includes case reports/case series, you need to provide the name of the ethical approval committee/ Board they have obtained consent from and approval number/ID.
Author declaration certificate:
Authors submitting a paper have not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Certificate also includes permission from other copyright holders if any copyrighted materials used in manuscript. (Download Author Declaration Certificate from home page).
Type of article published
Original Research Articles:- An original article provides an overview of innovative research in a particular field within or related to the focus and scope of the journal, presented according to a clear and well-structured format. Word limit is 7000 words (including the unstructured abstract and references).
Review Articles:- Inform a broad readership about fields in which there have been recent important advances of immense, fundamental importance, and highlight unresolved questions and future directions. Standard headings are not always appropriate, but the review should have clear sub-headings to provide order to the manuscript.
Case reports:- Veterinary Practitioner publishes case reports in all fields of veterinary medicine, gynaecology and surgery so that veterinary professionals, researchers and others can easily find important information on both common and rare conditions. The case report should contain following subheadings including Abstract; Key words; Introduction; Case presentation, treatment and Discussion. The word limit is 2000 words (including the abstract and references).
The manuscript should be organized in the following order
Title: The title of article should be well chosen and appropriate to the text. A shortened version of the title should also be given for running headlines. The title page, apart from the title, should also contain name(s) of the author(s) and complete address of the place where the work has been undertaken or the authors want to credit to. Superscripted numbers over each name should denote present post and address in the footnote. E-mail address and contact no. will also be desirable. Address of the author to whom reprint request is to be sent, should be suffixed as "(Reprint requests are solicited at this address)".
Short title: A shortened title of the article should be written on each page of the manuscript including illustrative materials. The short title should be self-explanatory.
Abstract: In case of full-length articles, the unstructured abstract (not more than 300 words) should be self-contained and embodying the main features of unlabelled Background, Objectives, Method, Results and Conclusion. Abstract are not required in cases of short communications, news items, veterinary tit-bits etc.
Key words: The key words should not be more than five and written after the abstract for indexing.
Text: The text should begin with title of article on the top of the first page. The text should be well precise, containing short, well-thought sentences and paragraphs. Appropriate sub heads, wherever necessary, may be inserted into the text. Mention generic and trade names of drug/medicine along with the name of the manufacturer, if referred in the text. Emphasis should be given on discussion of significant information/ result. The British spellings must be followed throughout in the text and Oxford English Dictionary may be consulted in doubt.
Introduction: Briefly state the importance and purpose of the work together with the important findings of previous workers. The introduction must contain the argument for the social and scientific value of the study, as well as the aim and objectives.
Materials and Methods: Authors should include the statements of compliance with standards of research involving animals and provide ethical approval from a competent authority. The author(s) should describe materials, methods, specific apparatus, and experimental procedure. No need to mention experimental procedure if procedure is well established, in that case give only reference. Subheading may be used in this part. Statistical designs should be incorporate in detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results.
Results and Discussion: The experimental data should be presented clearly and concisely. Information presented in tables, figures and graphs should not be repeated. The discussion should focus the interpretation of experimental findings along with reasoning. At last each article should have definite interpretation with research findings.
Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion that summarises the results and their meaning or significance in relation to each objective of the study.
Acknowledgement(s): Financial and technical assistance outsourced or provided by head of the any institute should be acknowledged.
Conflict of interest: Authors are required during submission of their manuscripts to disclose any conflict of interest, and to acknowledge financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with other organizations, or with the people working with them, that could influence the research work. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have been asked to disclose any conflicts of interest.
References: Only closely related references (not more than 10 years old) should be included except for a review article. The exhaustive listing should be avoided. References should be cited as under:
1. In the text: References in this part should be cited as follows: The references in the text should be cited as author's surname with year of publication in parenthesis. For example: Sharma (1999), Sharma and Gahlot (2000), Sharma et al. (2000) and (Sharma et al., 2011) etc.
2. In bibliography: All publications cited in the text should be presented in the form of a list of references arranged alphabetically according to authors' surnames. Don't give serial numbers. References should be cited as under:
For periodicals: Name and initial of the all authors, (year of publication in parenthesis). Title of the manuscript then title of the Journal (in conformity with the world list of periodicals), volume numbers in bold (issue): page no. (First and last page numbers of the article).
Example: Kachhawa JP, Sharma A, Tanwar TK and Singh AP (2016) Therapeutic management of snake bite in buffalo- A Case Report. Indian J. Vet. Med. 36 (2):134-135.
For books: Name(s) and initial(s) of authors(s) or editor(s), year of publication (in parenthesis), title, edition, name of publisher, place of publication with name of country, first and last page number of the matter cited.
Example: Sharma SN and Gahlot AK (1997) Veterinary Jurisprudence, 4th ed., NBS Publishers and Distributors, Bikaner (Raj) India. pp. 102-104.
For chapter in a book: Thomas JR and Charles CC (1997) Calcium regulating hormones and diseases of abnormal mineral metabolism. In: Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Kaneko JJ, Harvey JW and Bruss ML (eds.). V ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 619-702.
For symposium/ congress/ proceedings: Name(s) of author(s), year of its holding (in parenthesis), proceedings of (indicate title of symposium/congress), place and date of holding the symposium/congress, first and last page number of the compendium/abstract booklet.
Example: Chaudhri SS (2007) Diagnosis and control of surra in buffaloes. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Recent diagnostic trends and control strategies for Haemo-protozoan infections in livestock", S.D. Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar, Gujarat, India. Feb 9-11, 2007. pp. 12-17.
For thesis: Name of author, year (in parenthesis), title of thesis, masters/doctorate thesis, name of University and place.
Example: Meena DS (2012) Clinico-epidemiological studies in relation to mineral status in camels (Camelus dromedaries). Ph.D. Thesis, submitted to Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner.
For personal communication: References listed as personal communication should include the affiliation and address of the communicator as well as year of communication, thus it should appear as name of communicator, year of communication (in parenthesis), name of Institution of affiliation of communicator and place.
News paper article: Anonymous/ name of correspondent, date of publication, title of article, name of newspaper, place of publication, page number.
Note: Name of the journal must be in Italic letter. The abbreviated title of the journal should be standard and can be used from and or from other authenticated list.
Submission of article/Manuscript:- Soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word Office submitted to us through website at Submit Your Article. Kindly adhere to the author’s guideline during preparation of your article. The incomplete article will not be put into the peer-review process until requirements are met and may lead to your manuscript rejection.
Abbreviations, symbols and units: Each abbreviation should be explained at its first occurrence in the text. As far as possible, well-accepted and routing abbreviations, symbols and nits should be used. International code for zoological, botanical, anatomical or other name should be used. Such words either should be in Italics or underlined.
Metric system should be followed in the text. The quantities should be expressed in SI units.
Contributor(s) are requested to use the following abbreviations.
Words |
Abbreviations, symbols and units |
Words |
Abbreviations, symbols and units |
Body weight |
b.wt. |
Litre |
I |
Calory |
cal |
Meter |
m |
Centimeter |
cm |
Microlitre |
μl |
Counts per minute |
cpm |
Millligram |
mg |
Cubic centimeter |
cm3 |
Millilitre |
ml |
Degree centigrade |
°C |
Minute(s) |
min |
Degree Fahrenheit |
F |
Once a day |
od |
Decilitre |
dl |
Parts per million |
ppm |
Gram |
g |
Percent |
% |
Hour(s) |
hr |
Picogram |
pg |
Inch |
in |
Revolution per min |
rpm |
Intramuscular |
i/m |
Second(s) |
sec |
Intraperitoneal |
i/p |
Square centimeter |
cm2 |
Intravenous |
i/v |
Subcutaneous |
s/c |
Kilo calories |
kcal |
Thrice a day |
tid |
Kilogram |
kg |
Year(s) |
yr |
Twice a day |
bid |
Volts |
v |
All other abbreviations should be spelled out when first used in the text.
Foot notes: Only small and most wanted footnotes should be used in the running text. Each footnote should be well marked in the text by appropriate superscript.
Illustrations: The illustrative material like drawings, tables, figures etc., should be well related to the text and self-explanatory. The figures and tables should be numbered sequentially in numerals and cited at appropriate places in the text.
Each table with its brief and self-explanatory title should be typed on separate page and sequentially numbered. In text, these should be referred as proper noun e.g. table 1 and so on.
Long, complicated graphs, tables and charts should be avoided. Drawings, charts should be drawn in black ink on smooth white paper. Captions for all illustrations to be referred in the text as Fig. should be well concise, informative and typed on a separate sheet of paper. Magnifications, wherever applicable should be clearly mentioned in case of microphotographs. Mention running title of paper, figure number and mark arrow indicating top edge on the back of photograph with light pencil only.
Note: Editor has the right to do final editorial revision of the accepted articles. The decision of the Editorial board is final for the publication of the articles.